Friday, November 18, 2011

Roundabout and rambling, but I'll get to the point sometime. Promise!

The family want us to move closer to them, and I went to look at a handyman special. The windows were a put off for me, but I did see a solution to the bathroom problem. One tiny one ensuite, with a loo and basin.. and a window. The 'family' bathroom, also tiny, without a window. So I remembered a designer solution: open it up to one big bathroom, but with two doors. One from the passage and one from the main bedroom. (why should it be 'master'???)

Recently we stayed in a home with this. I asked my husband, "Did you notice?" Answer: "No, I was too distracted by that unfriendly thing on the floor."

"What thing?"

"The bathroom scale!!"

LOL. Actually, for me it wasn't so unfriendly, because I've almost almost lost the 5 lbs. I was aiming for. Husband says, "I'm always amazed at your discipline."

Yes, I'm disciplined, although right now I'm kind of paying a price for it. I'd say my self-discipline largely comes through my ballet training, and the price is the hip replacement I'm heading for. In the grand scheme of things I'd say... worth it!

I know with 'slimming' as we used to call it at ballet school, a lot depends on my finding the right moment. The right head space, as it were. Or body space. In general I get a sense when I need to do this or that. But it doesn't always work. Sometimes I can wait around for the right moment, but kind of sink into sloth. Yeah, I know. A deadly sin, that.