Saturday, November 26, 2011

Deja vu

Having typed my heading, I realize that, strictly speaking, I'm not going to talk about deja vu, which, in my understanding, means you come across a place or a person or a situation and get the weird sensation that you've seen it all before. When you haven't.

It's happened to me only once in my life, with a person, who had the same experience with me. We spent time comparing notes to see if we'd ever before been in the same place at the same time and no, we hadn't.

However, tonight it's more the 'seen it all before' thingy that I mean. What brought this to mind was a couple of things.

First of all, I got my hair cut. My hairdresser told me the styles were all going back to 70s and 80s look. Fine. As long as I never have to do a beehive again I'm cool with it.

And then Twitter. Did you know I'm on Twitter? Well I am @brenhammond. A Twitter writing pal posted that for her Christmas begins when she hears the Chipmunks. Hah! Weird how they've put in a reappearance, isn't it? (how would you turn that from the visual to the audial? I have no clue).

Since reading her tweet, all I can hear in my head is 'Me, I want a hula hoop!'

Although I'm not sure that I do. Once around after all that hoop circling is probably enough for me. But it was fun at the time and good for the waist line I'll bet.

If you're still with me, thanks, and that's it for silly Saturday!