Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I'm definitely getting old. Why do I know this? Because last night I disapproved of the younger generation.

This is how it happened:

A dear friend with her lovely daughter came to stay over night. And when I say lovely, this young woman is quite beautiful. Apart from her clear, glowing skin,  and sparky dark eyes, I've always admired her shiny chestnut locks with just their hint of curl as they lie on her shoulders. But now, that's changed. The colour is dyed darker and the hair is straightened.

Yes, she looks 'up to the minute' but why? Couldn't she have left well alone? I guess not.

Now, in general I have nothing against people dyeing their hair, although I usually don't like it if the crowning glory is darker, and especially not if it's artificially black. Blond and streaks often look great and every February, when I start feeling grey from head to foot, I consider taking the plunge. But I'm basically too lazy and frugal to do it.

Right. Got that off my chest!