Friday, July 22, 2011

Living in the dark

I think it was Oscar Wilde who made a very disparaging remark about people who talked about the weather. Small-minded? Or lacking imagination? I can't quite remember. But anyhow, I can live defiantly with that because I like talking about weather. Also, let me remind you that, locally, the weather is what we have in common.

Soooooo... it's hot. Like 38 degrees yesterday, with rumours of 50 with the humidex. My husband said nostalgically, "On the farm, we used to pick grapes when it was 41."

Although I did go outside to water my plants, most of the day I spent indoors, airconditioning on, and all windows and curtains closed. The latter helps to keep the heat out.

In our previous home we only had one room airconditioned. I'd close up pretty early on hot days. But I was amazed when a Dutch neighbour came by and told me she'd opened all her windows to let the air through. Um... no.

The first time I ever experienced shutting out the heat was in Spain during the 'Fifties. I travelled by train with my cousin and we stayed in small homes that offered modest bed and breakfast. We walked through the front door, into the pitch dark. This also had to do with the brightness outside of course, but nevertheless. Wooden shutters were completely closed, and the interior was blissfully cool.

People who live in hot countries know that small windows are best. But I love all the light streaming through our large ones, especially in winter. Right now I try hard save electricity elsewhere -- like in hanging my laundry out on the line -- but in these dog days I'm grateful for central air.

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