Thursday, April 21, 2011


We have a family birthday coming up in May, and a few weeks ago a baby was born to one of my niece's. This means, of course, that presents are in order.

I was speaking to our daughter this morning, and moaning how I never quite manage the time factor when it comes to posting parcels enough in advance. She told me she was the same and said for her too, this was a difficult threshold.

That set me thinking, because it is, to me, a new way of looking at the matter. Why do certain fairly trivial things become mountains in my life, when I know that once I get down and take action, it's sure to be a breeze? Plus, I'll feel virtuous instead of guilty. Not to mention how the whole affair will be hanging over my head for days if not weeks. Maybe this is something I could change without too much effort. Certainly I find that writing down the tasks I want to accomplish helps a great deal. But sometimes those notes get carried over, and carried over, and carried over.

Tonight is Maundy Thursday, and ahead lies a very great threshold. This year, particularly, I feel its magnitude, and yet I look forward to the resurgence of life and healing that Easter Sunday will surely bring.

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