Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Little green apples... or red ones.

Is it just me, or is it getting harder to find a good tasting apple? Yes, we buy organic. For the sake of our budget we usually buy a bag rather than pick out individual apples. But not always. Yes, we try different varieties, although sometimes I wonder if that's a good policy. But more and more I find myself disappointed in the flavour. This is sad because in general I'm fairly addicted to apples, and like to eat one mid-afternoon. Lately, however, I've been thinking 'Maybe a pear or some grapes would be a better idea.' And that to me is sad. An apple a day and all that. Plus, I've usually eaten a pear or some grapes, or a clementine or an orange mid-morning and I try not to repeat myself.

And on another track entirely, I'm wondering if my computer has a mind of its own. A little boy had been hiding under my desk, and next morning, uh no, no tadaa when I pressed the button to turn on my computer. Tried again. Still nothing. So I did what's usually advised and checked to see whether the machine was still plugged in. Yes it was. So I went on to the next step, unplugged everything and plugged it all in again (I have a separate screen and keyboard). So now, when I go to Safari or Firefox and start to type in one of my fave websites, instead of throwing the name up straight away I find quite different suggestions taking over. Who put those in??? Those gremlins perhaps?

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