Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Magic of Three

We were away for the Easter weekend, back in our old haunts and with the great delight of picking up contact with old friends and acquaintances.

On Monday morning I began packing my bag in preparation for returning home, and as I did so I realized that after three nights I was already beginning to feel settled in. I'd made a little place for myself, so to speak, even if it happened tobe in someone else's house. (Thank you, Ute.)

I know that when I travel far away I'm pretty much over the worst of the jetlag after three nights. There's some magic that happens between falling asleep and waking up that brings me into this different place. And I'm grateful for it.

Easter is so much about the magic of three. But then, there's also that business about the Easter bunny and looking for eggs, isn't there? I always thought the two things had nothing to do with one another but now, for the first time in my life, I realize there's a symbolism there. The children go out into the garden (weather permitting) to search for the new life that lies, waiting to be cracked open and to bring joy and sweetness to us all.

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