Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Habit changing and a poem

Let me tell you about the little habit I'm trying to change.

The thing is, I have 'wear and tear' arthritis in my left hip. I put this down to years of ballet plus too much driving a stick shift and having to press on the clutch to change gear. Be warned!

Anyhow, it's hard for me to put weight on my left leg. So I'm trying to step out of the bath while standing on my right. Hmm. I'm not quite there yet. It's lucky this is not reality TV so you can see me teetering! However, I know it's worth persevering because, as I wrote last time, changing will be strengthening and help delay the ageing process.

Years ago, when I last attempted a similar exercise, I did another simple switch. Instead of holding my hair dryer in my right hand, I took it in my left. These days, I can do it with both, which turns out to be an advantage!

What fluttered through my mind while I was driving yesterday ( stick shift, unfortunately!) turned into a simple poem by evening. So, for what it's worth, here it is:

I passed a road called Frobisher today
and I recalled those old phone numbers
in place before, in London,
when first I stayed away from home.
For instance, FRO you had to dial
and follow this with three (or was it four?) digits
but the letters meant a district
and brought a combination
of place and number.

That's all now lost in the past
when so much today
creeps closer and closer
to complete
making me wonder
if we'll all disappear and become
nothing but ciphers.

But no, that cannot, must not be
as long as we can cling to,
take hold of,
develop and keep
our one, unique, humanity.

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