Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Summer Solstice

Just like that moment when the tide turns from flow to ebb (or vice versa) and the sea seems to hold its breath for a while,so the solstice brings a pause between lengthening and shortening days. I thought, this is a good time for me to pause and take stock of my life, what's happened in the year so far, and where, from here on to the end, I might be going. Or want to be going.

Summer days bring good moments for musing, I find. Maybe this has something to do with the fact that I'm more likely to be out in the warm air, enjoying nature and her gifts, watching the sky and the clouds, the sunsets and so on.

These experiences led me to thinking about the bountiful gifts that surround us, that mother earth and the heavens provide. And, unfortunately, how we are ruining everything. This came home to me in a particular way recently when I read a couple of different articles on the BBC and Guardian news sites. Apparently, fashion is killing our world and it's not only our consumptions of cheap clothing but also the demand for cotton. The dyeing of denim is turning some lakes blue.

Ouch. I prefer to wear natural fibres. Plus, I enjoy fashion. I try not to buy more than I need and keep my good German garments for as long as I possibly can. Even my grandson, watching me pack a suitcase, said 'The same clothes, Nana'. Yes indeed. Still, I'm far away from the days when I owned far fewer garments. The habit of having more has crept up on me over the years. Now I'm promising myself to be as mindful as possible in future.

Meanwhile, my summer needs are met, even if I will need a new swimsuit before very long!

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