Friday, June 3, 2011

A Sign for 'Bless You'?

Yesterday I had tooth surgery. Circumstances demanded I drive myself to the dentist and back again. Not too much of a problem seeing as we live about five minutes away.

It was a windy day. In order not to clutter myself too much I took a small purse with me. Kind of a mistake, actually, because, afterwards, I didn't tuck the receipt in properly. So when I went to the car, the wind whisked it away, under the chassis. I hobbled around to see if I could pick it up from the other side.

While I was doing that, a woman patient from the dentist's office came outside to help. The wind took the paper again and sent it scurrying further along, under another couple of cars. She raced and plucked it off the ground.

"Thanks so much," I said, "I can't run." (having a hip replacement some time later this year)

"I know," she said.

And went back inside to fetch something, I imagine. Meanwhile, I was feeling a bit woozy, and having to back the car out of a rather tight spot, while being aware of who was walking behind me, and how close I was to the row of cars behind. The same woman realized again the state I was in. She stepped into the parking lot and indicated when I was good to go with a thumbs up. I smiled and waved. But what was really in my heart was a huge, amazed gratitude. I wished for a hand signal or sign to say, 'Bless you.'

So I've been wondering what such a sign might look like. Do you think it might be the gesture the little girl makes in that famous Picasso painting, the one where she's holding a small bird between her hands?

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