Sunday, June 5, 2011

Edges and Corners

Today I'm wearing my Sunday worst. This is because I'm doing a bit of late spring cleaning, paying particular attention to edges and corners. As soon as I'm done here, I'm going outside to do some gardening.

Cleaning window sills and skirtings (oh yes, you call them baseboards) set me thinking about how today we use the word 'edgy'. I suppose it comes from the 'cutting edge' which I suppose has to do with knives.

Anyhow, it had me asking a couple of hypothetical questions. What do we experience on the edges of our lives? And, What do we catch a glimpse of in the corners of our eyes, or the corners of our minds?

I suppose a spiritual and/or artistic discipline works towards training us to catch and perceive the more subtle aspects of both the invisible and the visible.

Enough of the abstract! Let me tell you about a karmic meeting I had yesterday. It also has to do with corners, strangely enough. I went to do a little shopping, and arranged to meet my husband at a branch of one of our local chains of organic, fair trade coffee shops. When I got there, he was deep in reading the newspaper. I went to buy my cappuccino and then, as soon as I'd sat down, I heard a voice: "Hi Brenda."

Sitting in a corner (yes!) nearby was a member of my local writing chapter. We'd never before had any one on one time, so this felt like a special encounter. I abandoned my husband and went to sit with her. We had such a good and interesting chat, and I look forward to connecting with her more often.

I find these meeting 'coincidences' interesting, although I have to confess, sometimes if I'm tired or in a very different headspace, I duck my karma. Then, later, I feel bad about that and wish I hadn't. After all, it must take some doing to get us both to the same place at the same time. Who am I to say 'no thanks'?

Now I'm off to get carried away by.... mosquitoes!!

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