Tuesday, October 25, 2011


They're what's fluttering by for me today. We're fortunate enough to have many trees, avenues of them, in our newish neighbourhood. So as I sit here in my second-floor study I'm still looking out at maples, mottled with yellow and orange and green. The locusts have shed their splendour and now stand bare, but for a few skeleton leaves, mostly right at the top.

Riding around my 'hood, I'm doing my best to observe each tree. And as I go, what I notice is that each street has a slightly different atmosphere. Right now tho, my attention is being drawn also to the increasingly-elaborate Halloween decorations, which seem to be getting mixed up with the harvest festival theme. I suppose that's okay, seeing as the original Halloween lanterns were large turnips!

So I'm riding past a largish garden, which has a row of skulls grinning from atop 18 inch sticks. But there are also patches where those same sticks sport silver aluminium foil flags. What a puzzlement... I mean, silver is connected to the moon, yes, but what did this signify? It took me a moment, but at last I realized.... these were simply to mark where new grass seed had been planted!!