Sunday, September 4, 2011

Making space for inspiration

Although I'm fiddling around with a couple of stories, the truth is that I'm between manuscripts at the moment. So I'm taking the opportunity to do a bit of a more in-depth cleaning around the house. This feels good because I take the view of my fellow countrywoman Linda Thomas and consider this not so much as getting rid of dirt, but as making space for the spirit.

And there's another aspect. I know it makes a difference to the quality of my sleep if I've been involved in some sort of meaningful activity during the day. And no, that doesn't include staring at my computer screen, although the typing can't be entirely dismissed.

Talking of activity, I've really gotten into the bike riding. Leisurely, that is. I like to take a turn around the 'hood mid-morning and early evening. I've found 5.30 is a good time because traffic is light and most people and their children are busy with the evening meal. So is my husband, for that matter, and this little sortie comes courtesy of his willingness to cook!

So now it's a little after ten a.m and I'll say ciao because I'm off for that ride. Catch u soon again.