Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Mom on my mind

Since yesterday's post, my mother has been on my mind. It's said that, as you age, you're likely to resemble your mother more and more. All I can say is, 'I hope so'. She and my dad both lived late into their nineties and approached old age with the extraordinary courage that had stood them in good stead during their lives.

I can't say that I'm looking like her, except perhaps size-wise. What I do notice is that my movements are starting to be the same, that I'm more likely to hold onto a railing for balance, and wow, I've discovered how useful it is to have a bathroom stool so I can sit down to dry my toes! Before, I took a bathroom stool to be there for the purpose of dumping clothes or towel upon. But now my awareness has widened...

And now that I approach spring break, I remember how willing to help she and my dad always were. Whatever my request, I knew they'd do their best to meet it if they possibly could. So, hopefully, I can show my appreciation by doing the same.

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