Saturday, August 31, 2013

Cat days of summer

We've had company over the last couple of days, so I've taken the chance to stretch out in the sun, enjoy smelling the flowers and generally to soak in the loveliness of these late summer days.

And as usual, having company means visiting places in our city where we haven't been before. This is one of them, an old walled garden, English style.

Walled gardens have a special fascination for me. This began years ago when I was a student at the Royal Ballet School and our dormitory looked over a sunken rose garden, with a statue/birdbath similar to this in the centre. The grounds were a wonder and a delight, and had been designed by famous landscape architect Capability Brown.

At one time in my life I even dreamed of owning a walled garden some day, but now I'm content with a wooden fence!

Here's another pic for you to enjoy. This garden is maintained by volunteers and I was interested to see what a colourful show you can achieve with quite simple, easily-available and grown plants.

Nice, hey?


  1. Yay!!! the comments section is enabled :)

    I always love it when guests come -- we get to play tourist where we live.

