Sunday, June 24, 2012

Salut! On St. John's Day

'The world's bright loveliness...' so begins my translation of Rudolf Steiner's Calendar of the Soul verse for this week, specifically in the mood of St. John. And truly, no phrase could better express this morning and the glorious blooming of flowers and tree growth around me.

I was going to write 'etiolation' but that word always takes me back to when I first discovered it, specifically, to Lawrence Durrell, who used it in The Alexandria Quartet. I read this years ago when I worked in the library of the French Institute in London. Yes... lots of tempting books. But this I was reading in English on my lunch break when one of my French colleagues remarked, 'Ah she's reading 'Cleo'.' I've never tried to read them again and wonder what I'd think of them now.

On another, different note, I put my teeshirt on inside out this morning. My mother used to say 'don't change it because this means you'll get a letter'. For me proof of this saying was usually lacking. But I was thinking, these days I wouldn't need to keep the garment on inside out because of course, there's email!

And the cadence to this post is: sorry, but my website is down for a week. So don't go looking for me!