Monday, June 11, 2012

What does it mean to be romantic?

A friend who'd just about finished reading my novel ( was bubbling over with enthusiasm. She said to me, "I didn't know you were so romantic!"

So then I started to wonder, What does it mean, to be romantic? The answer, I realized, is much more profound than at first it appears. Some claim that the world is split between those who have a romantic outlook and those who have a classical. A quick check on the web suggests most art is a mixture between the two, but usually tending more towards one than the other. Well, think of the romantic poets! But it's not only art. This also exists in physics.

I suppose it goes back to Greek and Roman times. When I look back over my life, I can see how the tendency of my soul was always towards romance. The first story I ever wrote had to do with one of King Arthur's knights, and although I know a fair bit of the German language, it's the romance languages that call to me: French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian... I love listening to them, and my ear easily becomes attuned to their lilt.

The classical outlook of course tends more towards order and less towards chaos. Sure, I prefer order in my life and in my surroundings. But as far as philosophy goes? Call me a romanticist any time.

How about you?