Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Transit of Venus today!

And it's going to happen in my zodiac sign, which is supposed to be incredibly auspicious. Let's hope so.

Do you believe that the movements of the planets have an influence? I certainly do, although I know astrology is supposed to be totally unscientific. But so many of us carry an interest and follow predictions or have our charts read (I haven't done the latter).

When I was in hospital recently, my husband brought me a newspaper so that I could amuse myself with the crossword. A nurse seized the paper with glee and immediately turned to the horoscope page. She read hers aloud to us all. After that, of course, the whole ward wanted to know what was going on with their sign.

Interesting, huh?

Now I'm off to send a copy of my book 'Cape Town' to Oprah. I'm sure she'd be interested if it actually manages to get into her hands. Again, let's hope so!!