Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Changing habits/Checking in

So, how'm I doing?

First of all: the success. I'm happily leading with my left foot when I step out of the bath. The not-so-good side to this is that I now need to find another activity to switch sides. Why bother, you ask? Because this is a good way to keep your brain young. I'm thinking maybe I'll hold the electrical apparatus in my left hand when I want to puree the soup. We call this a zhoosher, and I can't think of the proper term! Seeing as it's mostly Oupa who does this, the exercise shouldn't be too taxing for me.

Secondly... getting there. This is, I'm managing mostly to complete one practical task before I go onto another. Writing wise, I need a bit of variety, especially when I'm busy with a long project such as a novel. That's okay, I feel.

Lastly, changing my bath time from morning to night. Epic fail, or is it?? Seeing as I have my mornings to myself again, I decided to go back to the old habit. The reason for this is that my mind sinks into a creative space and throws up various ideas, words and phrases that are useful to me. I'm good with that.

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