Thursday, December 30, 2010


It struck me that this time of year is all about journeys, both outer and inner. We think about Mary and Joseph going to Bethlehem, the shepherds and the Kings going to worship the Child. Then we have our own journeys through the twelve days and thirteen nights. Perhaps we travel to be with friends and family.

Journeys, even those of the inner kind, can be subjected to the dreaded Ds: delay, diversion and danger. These are not always easy to deal with, which is why I'm always grateful to arrive. My dad always marvelled at how wonderful a travelling companion my mom was. She'd be willing and ready to travel in the time it took to pack a hat. But more, she never complained or wrung her hands when things didn't go according to plan, but rather accepted the situation and then made the best of it.

I'm trying to take a leaf out of her book.

Not that my recent travels haven't gone smoothly. They have. Still, it's the general principle of acceptance and non-complaining I'm trying to work on... Okay, there's a ready-made New Year's resolution for me!

Then I was remembering all the different modes of transportation I've experienced in my life. I've had bicycle rides, camel, elephant and horseback rides. Tram and train rides : steam, electric, diesel and underground. I've been on rowboats, sailing dinghies, larger sailboats, small and large ships (but never a cruise ship). Small propeller planes and everything up to the large jets of today. And done a lot of travelling by car. Maybe, though, my best and favourite way of getting around is by bicycle. If the weather's fine, I don't think there's anything to beat that pace, the sense of being connected to the earth and sky around you, the sense of freedom.

Here's to fruitful and meaningful journeys for all of us in 2011.

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