Friday, December 17, 2010

Going outdoors

When the weather is freeeeeezing cold and there's snow and ice underfoot, I'm reluctant to stick my nose outdoors. Hibernating inside and huddling by the fire feels so much more appealing! But I know it's important to be out. Looking after the grandsons brings encouragement and I soon feel the benefits of being under God's heaven... when I gear myself up and actually go.

Science has now corroborated the benefits to mood and health of being outside for even ten minutes a day. And yes, there is a most beneficial time. I discovered this yesterday when a dear friend called. She's what you call 'tuned in'... and I can give you proof because I thought of her in the morning. Lo and behold, about an hour later there she was, on the phone. I had to laugh, and, as she herself said, 'It's good that we're always connected'.

Anyhow, she told me at this time of year especially, noon is the best time to be out. Some years ago I was in the habit of getting up from my writing desk and taking a walk around our crescent just before lunch. Seems that would be a good thing to re-institute.

On an incidental note, the grandsons' dad was born at noon. An unusual time of day for a birth, but surely significant. I remember when I was a young teenager and attending a high Anglican school, how the bells would ring for the noon Angelus and we'd all pause for that short interlude. It felt good. It seems to me the day can easily run on without any such breaks these days, unless I actually make the conscious decision to stop... or to go outside!

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