Sunday, September 12, 2010

Changing a habit

I was going to start this post by asking a question: Do you think it gets harder to change a habit as you get older? Then I decided this was a no-brainer (well, you did it anyway, sez she).

The thing is, my habit has been to bath in the morning. Lying in the water for a few minutes, I found, allowed my mind to float. Often good ideas, new thoughts or inspirations, would drift to the surface. Now, however, I don't to get up and going quickly and don't really have the time to do this. So I decided to change my bath time to the evening. (And yes, in case you're wondering, I do take showers from time to time. I just don't find them so relaxing, more like refreshing and stimulating.)

Years ago, when our children were little -- we only had the three then -- I did the same switch. No problem at all. At the time, the bedroom of the smallish house we'd built only had a shower, so I'd trek down the passage to the children's bathroom for my soak. I especially remember Sunday nights, taking my radio in there to listen to 'Lloyd let loose'. David Lloyd, bless him, was one of those announcers with a soothing, intimate voice who chose music I always enjoyed. Ah, how relaxing was that! Although, I can still see the psychedelic wallpaper in front of my eyes: pink and purple swirls, girls!! It was the Seventies after all.

But I'm not finding the change easy and revert every now and then. This means I have to woosh through the bathwater, which kind of takes the pleasure out of the experience. Nevertheless, I'll persevere and hope to change this habit... except maybe on the weekends.

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