Sunday, August 17, 2008

that certain moment

It was a sunny day in mid-July when I sensed it, that certain moment when summer suddenly turns towards autumn. I'm always surprised how early this occurs, especially these days when, officially, summer only starts at the solstice. To me it makes more sense if the 24th June is considered as mid-summer, and the best is when you can go see a production of A Midsummer Night's Dream (got that a bit wrong, I know) .

But anyhow, there it is, the sudden shift in the air that brings that first, subtle whiff. And then, summer carries on but I know the change of seasons is approaching, we're on that gentle slide from summer into fall, and I feel different. Not quite so dreamy, perhaps, a little more energetic and able to take on new tasks, or take up old ones with renewed enthusiasm or, at least, resolution!

What a wonderful thing it is, to have the chance to experience all four seasons. I can't imagine how it must be to live on the equator, just have the same all year round. So, even if summer here always feels too short for me, I'll welcome the change.

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