Tuesday, August 5, 2008

On-line again if not yet on track

Yes, I'm back, after a full but fabulous month in California. Now I can report that I've swum in the Pacific Ocean! Better yet, it was 'twice as warm as it usually is' according to our son. 

Lake swimming is lovely and has its own appeal with its calm surfaces (usually) and views of treed islands and shores. But the beach, with that smell of ozone and the waves foaming and crashing on the shore? Nothing else can be quite so invigorating for me. And I love looking out over the swells and wondering, if I sailed towards the horizon and went on and on, where would I land up?

I've notched up dips in the Atlantic -- usually as chilly as the Pacific on the California coast is reputed to be -- in the Indian Ocean, the English channel, the Mediterranean and the North Sea. Yes, that was the coldest. Perhaps someone who's more in the swim might notice differences in the various oceans. If so, apart from temperature, I wonder what they might be . Some are definitely saltier than others, but I'm thinking of deeper, more subtle sensations.

Talking of sensations, we were in L.A. for the recent earthquake. My husband was in a hardware store buying paint. He said the paint tills rattled and swayed on the shelves and he told the assistance they wouldn't need mixing after that! As for me, I was next door in a pharmacy full of natural products and accessories and was so fascinated by all the wonderful things in store I didn't notice a thing!

Dear me.

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