Sunday, June 15, 2008

Shapes and figures

Now that summer's here and skimpier clothes are being worn (yeay!) I'm more aware of the state of my shape. Luckily, because of the activity involved with looking after the little person, I only put on a couple of pounds during the winter and they've already disappeared. But my bra feels too tight and I'm wondering if I need to go up a size. Not that my boobs are any bigger, but because the circumference of my ribcage seems to have increased. I'm wondering if this is one of those 'normal ageing' rules.

Shape changes generally I find quite interesting. Not long ago I read an article in the Guardian online about how women's waist measurements have increased over the past 40 or so years. When I was young my friends and I prided ourselves on our narrow waists, and wore tight belts to show them off. These days belts are often worn around the hips and it's been quite a few years that we've been wearing our waistlines low low below our waist. This meant no-one worried too much about the waist measurement. I think that's partly what plays into the phenomenon. How, I'm not quite sure.

The thing is, I remember noticing how many young girls seemed to have very narrow, boyish hips during those years when skinny, skimpy jeans came into fashion. How was this suddenly possible? Was this shape change caused perhaps by a mixture of wishing and focus of consciousness on a certain area of the body? Because I don't think a Darwinistic evolution can happen so quickly. Something mysterious worked there, but I wonder exactly what.

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