Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Three resolutions

"Only three?" you ask. "Yes, because all of these will be a reach and take effort," I answer. Still, I like to work in three areas: the practical, the psychological and the spiritual.
Seeing as it's the second week of January, you'll understand why number one has to be 'Don't procrastinate'. Already I know this is not going to be a quick fix. As has happened before, I'll likely have to carry it forward a few years.
How much angst would disappear from my life if I could manage not to put things off. I had a good example once. A friend from the west coast was visiting while she taught a class. When she came home, I told her, "So and so phoned for you and wants you to call back." "Oh," she said, "If you give me the number, I'll get my phone and do that right away." And she did.
Too often I wait, thinking, 'I'm busy/tired/thinking of something else/there'll be a better moment later.' What my friend did was to get it out of the way -- and set herself free from the back-of-the-mind hassle.
Number two, on the soul level, is this: I'm going to do my best to greet every morning with joy. As I grow older, I feel it's necessary to accentu-ate the positive, as the old song goes. The son of a dear, older friend who died a couple of years ago, told a story that's stayed with me. During his boyhood, the family lived in England. Think many gloomy, dreary days with heavy skies. Every morning, his mother used to prance into his bedroom, sweep open the curtains and sing out, "It's a lovely day!" And to the three brothers, it was.
On the spiritual level I'm going to practice the six exercises that lead to harmonizing and enhancement of the twelve-petalled heart chakra. I'll begin with the first and most important: control of thinking. To do this, I need to focus my mind on a simple object, say, a pin, for three minutes or so, not letting any other thoughts flutter in or by! Sure, sometimes I like my mind to lift and float, but it's very useful to be able to shut out unwanted thoughts when I need to.
Okay. Done that. Next comes goal-setting, but although I'll write those down, I won't blog them.

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