Friday, December 22, 2006

Quirky events

Here are recent incidents from my life. I post them in the spirit of the season, hoping to amuse you.
A couple of days ago, I looked out my bedroom window and across the road to my neighbour. And saw Santa on their roof! Not one of thos plastic figures, but a real guy. He was busy around the chimney and it looked like he'd draped some red stuff around it. I wondered if he was making sure there'd be enough room for him to slide down on Christmas Eve.
Hold that image.
Yesterday morning, I'm at my desk and beginning a rewrite of my children's novel. The heroine's name is Grace. It struck me that there are quite a few Graces around now (yes, the lower case ones too) and I'm wondering if I should perhaps change this to Gwen. Critique partners aren't keen. Hmm.
The phone rings -- the Identicall number that only the family uses. Happy to hear from whomever, I pick up. A strange woman's voice asks, "Is that Gwen?"
"Well, it's Bren. Brenda."
"Oh no. I'm looking for Gwen."
Late morning, I head to the kitchen. The small table where we mostly sit to eat looks crummy, and the mats need wiping. I take everything off -- candle, matches, napkins, salt and pepper -- dust and polish the wood, clean the mats. Now the table is bare. I'm thinking 'I don't really have anything for lunch.'
The phone rings. It's our dear neighbour, saying she has food left over from her daughter's class party. "Would you two like to come over for lunch?"
During the course of the meal, I ask about Santa on the roof. The husband looks at me for a minute, thinking. Then he says, "Oh yeah. That was Nick!!"

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