Thursday, January 2, 2014

Words, words, words

Well hello there! Yes, I'm back, literally as well as digitally. It's almost a week since I returned from two and a half months (!!) of far-flung travels. More about those later, as I'm still picking up the threads of my life. Long-distance travel, especially when it's between hemispheres, always turns me upside down for a while. But you might find my experiences of living off the grid quite fun.

Reading emails and a few blogs while I was away got me to thinking about how our language is changing, and I'm wondering if it's time to simply accept that we're going to simplify. No use rolling the eyes, or getting even a little bit irritated when, for instance, the writer neglects to differentiate between the various uses of '2'.

I mean, to, two and too. So you might read, 'will you be there to?' Well, I knew what was meant, didn't I? And typing makes it easy to make mistakes. I do it to. Although a sentence such as, 'Are you going to town to?' will probably always look wrong to me.

The question is, does it matter?

I'm not sure.

The other one we see a lot of, is of course 'your' instead of 'you're' as an abbreviation of 'you are'. Having recently acquired a smart phone, I've discovered that getting a correctly typed message onto the screen is actually quite difficult.

Then there are those circular emails that show us the human brain can decipher a message even when the words have mixed up letters.

Hmmm. Okay. We'll see how things go. I just hope I can stop myself from going digital and always writing 2 and 4 instead of to, two and too, and for, four, as I've been tending to do when writing notes to myself.

Bad Brenda!

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