Monday, March 10, 2008

Not Jamaica, but...

I had a wonderful, retreat-like weekend away. That's why this post is late. Instead of beaches we had snow-drifts, ice-pellets and, last night, a grail moon and stars like I've never seen before in this part of the world. All quite breath-takingly beautiful, except for the ice pellets. People sometimes ask me if I miss Africa and I can reply truthfully, 'no'. What I miss is the southern sky, the sight of the southern cross, the bright swathe of the milky way.

Um, well, this post wasn't going to be about the heavens, but about soup. So here I go.

My culinary year is mostly divided into two seasons: soup season and salad season. We do do salads in winter too, but not so much, and seldom for lunch. So we have our soup repertoire and occasionally add to that. Last time wise daughter visited she told us about an interesting experiment and discovery that was made in Britain. The upshot of it is this.

If you eat a plateful of food you can go for x many hours without feeling hungry. But, if you eat that same food as a soup (a liquid) it'll take you a considerable amount of time longer before you feel hungry. Now, I find that fascinating, because you'd think it would be the other way around, seeing as soup is more easily digestible.

Fine for me. I'll eat my lunchtime bowl of soup knowing I can nap happily, confident that I won't be woken by pangs of hunger.

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