Thursday, January 12, 2012

Burns night

Well, we kind of did this last night when we went to a concert that will be repeated tonight. The middle piece the orchestra played was the Max Bruch 'Scottish Fantasy' which includes the tune and rhythm of 'Scots Wah Hae'. I wondered what the words meant, so looked it up on wiki and discovered... Scots who have. Read it up if you're interested, as it also has relevance for what's going on politically in Scotland right now.

Since reading Georgette Heyer's 'An Infamous Army', for me Scots Wah Hae always conjures up the vivid image of marching to the battle of Waterloo, leaving Brussels in the early hours of the morning, a battle field where many of those braves will lose their lives.

Last night I did see one woman wearing a tartan skirt (Royal Stuart). I'm sure I told you that my great-aunt claimed we were entitled to wear that because we were descended from Bonnie Prince Charlie. However, she had a tendency towards social ambition so I'm kind of discounting that. I know lots of people are into genealogy these days but although I love historical novels, as far as my own life is concerned I'm... well, more concerned with the present.

And on a last note... although I've tried snails and frogs legs, I've never eaten haggis. How about you?