Friday, August 5, 2011


Yes folks, it's still silly season, so the post today is as advertised above. Or maybe not entirely, as it's all to do with size, yanno.

Along with buying the water pic at Target (otherwise known as Tarjay), I treated my husband and me to a new pair of bathsheets. Yes, they're huge. My mother would totally have approved. She was particular about her towels, and often gave a set as an engagement present to young couples. This was because, in South Africa, we didn't do showers as you do in North America.

Anyhow, those fluffy new towels are still stored in the linen closet. I simply haven't felt the need to be enveloped as I emerge from the bath or shower. And I'm wondering if this is a summer thing... i.e. I'm happy with a smaller towel.

Different countries seem to do size differently. (Is it cultural?) I remember the first time I visited a dear friend in Germany, how surprised I was when she gave me a towel that I  considered hardly bigger than a hand towel. And her basement shower room was cold. In North America the standard in homes and hotels still feels small to me. But maybe I'm getting acclimatized (see 2nd paragraph).

And another thing, those hand towels? Can't wrap them around my wet head to make a secure turban. So when I visit South Africa, I always buy one of their slightly-bigger versions to bring back home with me. But I'm still looking for a size I've found very useful for travelling and carrying in my hand luggage, a size that seems to have disappeared. It's between a facecloth and a handtowel. The one my mom gave me is sadly threadbare.

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