Saturday, May 7, 2011

A Peppery Post

This is our well-loved and used pepperpot, so old it's almost an antique. We love it because of the shape that fits perfectly into your palm, and because it does the job of grinding peppercorns. It came from Knysna, in South Africa and is made of blackwood, not, I believe, an indigenous wood although the trees grew in the forests nearby. Incidentally, there used to be elephants in those forests and were up until the time I was a teenager. I'm happy to say I never had any close encounters when we went on forest walks.

One Christmas, years ago, we were invited to a home outside Sheffield, in England. Our host had recently been inducted as a Master Cutler, so he knew all about blades and things like that. I think it was he who taught us a useful 'how-to', and this is it.

When grinding pepper onto your food, always twist in one direction only. This will keep the grinder sharp and help prolong its life.

I hope you'll remember this if you ever come to visit!

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