Thursday, March 19, 2009

Conspiracy theory?

With that teaser, I'm going to add a p.s. to my last post because, of course, after I published it, I remembered the details I'd forgotten to put. Like, making stock out of the clean, brown skins of onions, plus stems of other veg, or peelings from carrots, or outer leaves of cabbages or all of those plus others. And then, there's lipstick. The other day I was reading some 'money saving' tips and one appeared that I haven't read for decades... 'use a brush to get the last smidgeons out of the tube'. Been there, done that long ago. Will I bother now, I wonder?

And now to my heading... First a question. How many times have you got lost/been led astray while following a Google map? While in Los Angeles last November, the d.h. and I set off to the Getty museum, wound around small streets and landed up in a dead end. Yep, we'd followed the map correctly, but we couldn't access the museum. So we asked an elderly couple we saw out walking. They set us right. It was obvious they'd done the same thing for other confused souls a few times already.

The other day I heard on the radio about research that shows men and women listen to music differently. Part of this discussion mentioned that we orientate in space differently, men more to the bigger picture, women to the details. This made sense to me because although I'm good at reading maps, I haven't a natural sense for orientation East, West, North or South, whereas my d.h. does, and can find his way because of this -- at least, when Google doesn't interfere!

And how does this relate to a conspiracy theory you ask?? Well, yesterday I was in Henry's, the camera shop, getting a passport photo taken, and something caught my attention. The man behind the counter must have been asked what he was selling most of. The answer? GPS systems. Ah yes, convenient and easy. Yet another device to make us more comfortable. What do you say, folks? Shall I continue striving towards awareness of orientation, or simply rely on the latest gadget?

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