Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Malicious glee?

An author on one of my writers' loops bemoaned the fact that her computer always crashed when she was 'in deadline hell'.

One year I managed to crash three hard drives. No, really. Fortunately, this present granny smith of mine is (so far) hanging in there, and I think I've found the secret. I treat my computer rather like a pet... which means, it can still be capricious.

The thing is, we develop quite a relationship with our computers, sometimes even turn them on first thing in the morning, and turn them off last thing at night (I don't go so far as to say 'good-night' to mine, you'll be relieved to know). This relationship is much more complex than the one I used to have with my sewing machine, which seemed to delight in throwing a tension fit or some other obstacle in my way when I was racing to finish a new dress to wear to a party.

Even now, my computer plays tricks with me. Its favourite one is to change to 'Canadian' mode all by itself overnight. I switch it off in its usual U.S. mode and, lo and behold, next morning there's a surprise in store. On the email I'm about to send to one of my critique partners I begin to type the subject: 'You okay... I hit the shift key and the question mark. Instead I get and 'e' topped with an acute accent, so it looks even more Canadian with an addition 'eh'? viz: You okayƉ

These kind of antics used to provoke me to verbal explosion 'How can you do this to me?' Now I've modified my response and merely chuckle and those naughty gremlins, having fun at my expense.... and I'm not sure they approve. Rather like my cat, who takes offence at being laughed at, my computer doesn't seem to like amusement.

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