Saturday, August 24, 2013

Cartoon characters

Wow! Well, if you're wondering what happened between Mothers' Day and now, I'd say... Summer! And it's been a glorious one. Lots of lovely weather, plenty of rain that often fell over night (just like in that Camelot song), so I've been enjoying the garden and generally being outdoors.

Anyhow, the other day I glimpsed a question in my sipping like a bee around the web. This was: What's your favourite cartoon character? For me, coming up with an answer is as impossible as being asked 'What's your favourite colour?'. Nevertheless cartoon characters started to pop into my mind shouting 'choose me! choose me!'. And I thought well, maybe Calvin and Hobbs, although they're two, and even though I only found them after coming to North America.

As a child I read voraciously, and that meant comics too. The name that comes to mind is Little Lulu, but really I'd pretty much dive into anything that came to hand. And I also remembered that there was a kind of tradition back in Olde England that we'd buy the latest Giles annual compilation every Christmas.

So maybe the complex answer is that favourite cartoon characters change with us as we grow older. Because (now here comes the confession!) the strip I'm most likely to smile at these days is 'Pickles'!!

You got a favourite to tell about?