Saturday, January 29, 2011


Synchronicity happens for me from time to time. When it does, I have to chuckle.

So here's the thing. This week my agent asked me if I'd be able to handle a media-interview in French. I thought a minute and answered, 'Yes'.

Many moons ago, I was truly fluent. In fact there was a time when I stood on deck on a channel crossing between France and England, chatting to the person standing next to me at the rail. She said, 'I can't quite tell. What part of France are you from?' Many years later, I've become somewhat rusty. Still, I enjoy listening to Espace Radio now and then, mostly because of the classical music they play.

To add a second element, last night my husband and I watched a BBC production of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' on DVD. We had mixed feelings about it, although nothing can take away from the gasping magnificence of Shakespeare's language. Somehow the play didn't come across as a comedy. Weird. What was interesting was how it depicted the way that mischievous sprite Puck interfered and influenced the humans... he was very upclose and personal!

So this morning I turn on the radio. And what do I hear (in French)? An introduction to and explanations about Purcell's music to 'Dream'!!!

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