Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Our awareness of time

Usually, driving in my car, I have the radio on. And there are certain programs on certain days of the week that I especially like to listen to. This was the situation the other day when the announcer announced that 'now you can listen in to this program any time you like'.

Immediately I thought, 'Wouldn't that take away some of the anticipation and pleasure? And even, take away a bit from my awareness of time?' I remembered back to my childhood. At 5.15 on most weekdays (i.e. when I wasn't at ballet) I'd be listening to 'Sooooooperman!!!!' To some extent the progression of my afternoon was defined by those fifteen minutes of listening.

So we are emancipated more and more from our awareness of time. I'm thinking more daily and weekly rather than monthly or yearly. We can work in the artificial equivalent of daylight for as far into the night as we wish or need, and I'm sure you can think of many other examples.

This morning when I woke and enjoyed the sunrise I thought, 'Thank goodness for that.' And the sunset. These two can still define our daily lives, and I'm grateful whenever I see them.