Thursday, May 17, 2012

Getting back in the groove

My life has been interrupted over the last weeks because I underwent surgery. Thanks so much to those wonderful doctors, nurses etc who looked after me. Not to mention my daughter and husband who did the waiting-on-hand-and-foot till I was able to look after myself again.

Now that I'm pretty much recovered, it's time to take up my writing again. Also, my days are different because I no longer have to look after my two grandsons, something that's kept me extremely busy and well occupied over the last five years. (Yes, I miss them!)

So I'm faced with time on my hands, and I was thinking about something that's happening more and more. You see, a nine to five job provides a structure, a framework, for a working day. But these days more and more people are working from home, more and more people are retired, some are free-lancing and some, like me, are full-time writers. But here's the challenge: will I simply drift through my days, hoping they'll be productive, or will I find a rhythm that allows me to be productive, creative, do some promotion for my recently-published novel as well as find time to exercise and just... breathe?

In a way, this is a privilege and an opportunity. All I have to do is find what works for me, and then stick to this time-table I create for myself. Without being too fanatic or fixed!!