Saturday, June 6, 2015

A Moving Anniversary...

... not the kind that involves people, but houses.

A few minutes ago I was thinking with a touch of longing about our old car wash i.e. where we used to go so that the Golf looked clean and shiny. Seriously. The gas station was close by, it was familiar, it was good; and even ethical, in that the car wash closed down for a while when there was a water shortage in the area, which others, owned by larger oil companies, did not.

The thing is, I haven't yet adjusted my mindset to going elsewhere. And I'm thinking these kinds of old habits take time to let go. As I said in my last post, we moved about a year ago. We have (mostly) grown used to doing our grocery shopping in new stores, with unfamiliar set ups, but that wasn't so easy. Took time. To me these are the unexpecteds when you move to a different area.

On the other hand, I also like to shake things up a bit around the house. So I don't always sit in the same chair in the living room, but choose another or the couch from time to time. A couple of months ago, my husband and I swapped places at the dining table. Soon it will again be time to try a new view!